To an XXY-autist like myself, that needs to get
every kind of information "in with a tea-spoon" via direct messages of
clearly pronunced words that I recognise and comprehend the meaning of, to understand anything
at all; almost as dysfunctional as some sort of A.I. on a computer, I also lack the abilty to read
anyone's minds, except for cats and dogs, that I have learned to read pretty
well through interactive experience.)
Here's a link to my explanation
on how to abolish fear, and what makes it the source of any evil and
only negatively to let oneself get seduced by: I therefore am
teaching myself how to feel pronoid instead.
Which means that we choose
to believe that God (or the universe) conspires to our benefit.
I do
have a hard time making myself short. Using far too many words for most
people I know's comfort.
And am myself dependent upon detailed direct
messages about everything from people in my surroundings, to comprehend
anything at all.
I therefore ask lots of—to anyone else rather
unnecessary or silly—questions; just to make sure that I haven't
misunderstood anything.
Not to quarrel or try to be mean, but simply to make
sure that I behave myself properly to deserve som sort of respect, because
it takes som effort.
This makes social occasions a
challenging thing for me, relating to people who don't know about my
seemingly hidden handicap.
I'm nothing to fear; to that I am far
too busy with living my own life already to grant myself time or effort to spy
on or meddle with anyone