Er du
yngre enn 18 år, må du klikke på Tilbake-knappen
øverst til venstre i vinduet; eller holde
nede Alt-tasten, mens du trykker på piltast mot venstre.
Har du fylt
16 år, kan du – under dine foreldre eller foresatte sin
veiledning – lese videre;
da det nå
fortsatt er de som er myndige for kroppen din, og som bærer det
ansvaret for å stå til rette for
ikke å ha vernet deg mot eventuelle skader av denne – eller på sinnet
ditt. Frem til du selv har passert 18 år, og først da eier juridisk rett
og ansvar til å
bestemme over deg selv i forhold til sex fullstendig. Den seksuelle
lavalder gir imidlertid foreldrene dine rett til å svare deg ja på spørsmålet ditt,
når du ber om deres tillatelse til å ha sex med kjæresten din. Men
det gir dem også fortsatt – som dine formyndere
(de som er myndige for deg) – retten til å svare nei; hvis de
føler at du ikke er moden til å forholde deg til sex riktig ennå,
om de ikke evner å sette like stor pris på kjæresten din som du gjør; eller
om de lider av én eller annen fobi…
—Ettersom de som vedtar disse lovene er i utvikling og lovene derfor blir forandret, vil jeg rette meg etter dem ved å justere- eller eventuelt fjerne denne advarselen.
The initial idea behind this HomoSite, was to try to mix Pantheïstic enlightenment with gay pornography; in order to promote the somewhat more intelligent gay pornography to Pantheïstic philosophers, and of course Pantheïstic Thought to gay porn-hunters who might allow themselves to get seduced by less enlightened gay sites to label themselves as feeling «perverse», «dirty», or «filthy»; just because we happen to adore gay pornography. Due to a friendly warning from my Internet Provider, however, I've had to tone down my homepage for now. I have moved everything which is «in violation with Norwegian Law» into a subdirectory which is password-protected, in order to prevent any of its contents from getting accidentally accessed by the search-engines on the Internet. You'll find out all about how to access it on this page. NB! These pages are tiled with semi-pornographic backgrounds, made out of pornographic downloaded action- and act-pictures of juvenile boys, in a futile attempt to scare off intolerable Christian-fundamentalists and other kinds of self-exalted and self-righteous judge-mental trash of our societies. If you feel that you belong to this crowd, you won't have much fun here; then the «Back»-button on top of your web-browser is a wonderful invention (Perverse = madly sadistic and antisocial: A dictator of thought. Please do not abuse or misuse this word.) Enjoy! These pages are especially made for those of us who enjoy watching pictures of naked boys, and boys in sexual situations with other boys. This is not a commercial site! Once you've passed any of the «Age Verification Check»-obstacles below, there are nothing more for you to pay. Then you may enter every page I've got behind, for free! Due to lots and lots of pressure from the «outside», I've felt myself forced to lock the rest of my pages into a cage, in order to prevent «innocent» sufferers to accidentally bump into my site through the search-engines on the Internet. Although I suppose it'll please the Christian fundamentalists of this world, who just love obstacles in any form. And what they believe will make them feel safe, they of course just have to force upon everyone else If you feel that gay pornography is not for you then neither I, nor any other being can force you in here. No matter what else you choose to believe, your free will is sacred. Your free will is an inseparable part of the Will of God. This means that you never must ask of yourself or others to do anything you do not completely feel safe that you are able to accomplish or relate to. This also means that you must complete whatever goals you set up for yourself. No matter the consequences. Honesty is some of the invisible part of healing. Love yourself unconditionally and give yourself as much unconditional love, that you get the surplus. A surplus which will make you able to pass on unconditional love to anyone; in any circumstance. For whatever you give to the world, you'll get ten-fold back; no matter what you give. Unconditional love is the stuff you're made of. Use it! And do not abuse it by knocking on doors you really do not feel adequately mature to enter Here follows all of my pages containing
stuff that wasn't approved by the
Guidelines of the GeoCities. Examples of «juvenile» boys I've locked inside this cage: |
Initiativet til dette HomoNettstedet, var å forsøke å blande Panteïstisk livsfilosofi med homoporno; for om mulig å promotere den noe mer intelligente homopornoen overfor panteïstiske filosofer, og selvfølgelig panteïstisk livsfilosofi overfor homopornojegere, som ellers ville kunne tillate seg å la seg forføre av de noe mindre opplyste homonettsteder til å stemple seg selv som «perverse» eller «skitne»; bare fordi vi tilfeldigvis liker homoporno. På grunn av en vennlig advarsel fra nettleverandøren min, har jeg imidlertid måttet tone ned nettstedet mitt for nå. Jeg har derfor flyttet alt som er «i strid med norsk lov» inn i en passordbeskyttet underkatalog, for å om mulig hindre innholdet å være tilgjengelig for letemotórene på Internet. Du finner alt om hvordan du kommer inn dit på denne siden. OBS! Disse sidene er hellelagt med semi-pornografiske bakgrunner, laget av nedlastede pornobilder av unge gutter for om mulig å skremme vekk utålelige Kristenfundamentalister og andre typer selvopphøyde, selvrettferdige og fordømmende rask i samfunnet vårt. Om du føler at du tilhører denne gjengen, vil du ikke ha det særlig morsomt her; da er «Tilbake»-knappen øverst på nettleseren din en vidunderlig oppfinnelse (Pervers = sykelig sadistisk og abnormal: En tankediktator. Vær vennlig å ikke misbruke dette ordet unødig.) Nyt dette nettstedet! Disse sidene er spesielt laget for de av oss som nyter å betrakte bilder av nakne gutter og gutter i seksuelle situasjoner med andre gutter. Dette er ikke et kommersielt nettsted! Med én gang du har passert voksensjekken, er det ikke noe annet å betale for. Da får du tilgang til alle sidene jeg har innenfor, gratis! På grunn av stort press fra «utsiden», har jeg følt meg tvunget til å låse inn resten av sidene mine i et bur, for å hindre «uskyldige» selvmedlidere å tilfeldig havne på nettstedet mitt gjennom letemotórene på Internet. Selv om jeg antar at det vil glede Kristenfundamentalistene her i verden, som elsker hindere i enhver form. Og det de tror vil gjøre dem trygge, bare må de tvinge over på alt og alle andre Om du føler at homoporno ikke er noe for deg kan hverken jeg eller noen annen tvinge deg inn hit. Uansett hva du ellers måtte velge å tro eller mene. Din frie vilje er hellig. Din frie vilje er en uatskillelig del av Guds vilje. Dette betyr at du aldri må spørre deg selv eller andre om å gjøre noe du ikke selv føler deg moden for å gjennomføre eller forholde deg til. Dette betyr også at du må fullføre alle mål du setter deg, uansett hvilke følger det får for deg. Ærlighet er noe av det usynlige i helbredelse. Elsk deg selv betingelsesløst og gi deg selv så mye betingelsesløs kjærlighet, at du får et overskudd å gi videre til hvem som helst i dine omgivelser. For uansett hva du gir til verden, får du tifold igjen. Betingelsesløs kjærlighet er det stoffet du er laget av. Bruk det! Og ikke misbruk det til å banke på dører du ikke føler deg tilstrekkelig moden til å ønske å entre. Her følger alle de sidene som inneholder ting som ikke er godkjent av norsk lov (ganske mye, med andre ord:) Eksempler på unge gutter jeg har innelåst i buret mitt: |
I have avoided wasting server space by making any thumbnails on this site (except for the pictures above :-). All pictures are therefore in their natural size. If they are too wide to fit into a screen resolution of 640×480 pixels however, they are just forced down in size to a maksimum width of 580 pixels by the HTML-code, keeping their aspect ratio intact, in order to prevent horisontal scrollbars at the bottom of the page. All pictures that are linked to pictures, are only linked to the same file, so that when you click on them, you will be able to view them in their natural size instantly, without having to wait for yet another annoying and time consuming file download. | Jeg har unngått å sløse vekk tjenerplass ved å lage miniatyrbilder på dette nettstedet (bortsett fra bildene over :-). Alle bilder er derfor i sin naturlige størrelse. Er de imidlertid for vide til å passe inn i en skjermoppløsning på 640×480 punkter, er de bare tvunget ned i størrelse til vidden er nede i 580 punkter av HTML-koden i siden, for å forhindre et vannrett rullefelt nederst i vinduet. Alle bilder som peker til bilder, peker til samme fil, slik at du når du klikker på dem, vil være i stand til umiddelbart å se dem i sin naturlige størrelse, uten å måtte vente på enda en irriterende og tidkrevende filnedlasning. |
Please do beware that this is an
invitation into a ; and if you're just out hunting
for a quick buck, or so too damned horny and impatient that you can't relate your conduct to this fact, then: «Make like a tree and leave, please!» This is especially designed to enjoy the joy of the impeccably curious ones amongst thou Please select which Age Verification System that you believe you can use… (Have you got no username+password, you need access to a valid credit card in order to verify your age, even if some of the verifyers themselves are free to use.) |
Vær oppmerksom på at dette er en
invitasjon inn i en LABYRINT; og om du bare er ute etter
å tjene en rask slant, eller så kåt og utålmodig at
du ikke greier å føre deg som folk, så forlat dette
nettstedet omgående. Denne LABYRINTEN er spesielt laget
for å nyte gleden til de uimotståelig nysgjerrige blant
snill å velg hvilket Alders verifikasjons system du tror
du kan benytte deg av… (de er dessverre alle på engelsk) (Har du ikke brukernavn+passord, må du ha tilgang til et gyldig kredittkort for å sjekke alder, selv om noen av dem er gratis å bruke.) |
you find the system you're subscribing to above?
Please give me a hint
(with the URL included, so I might find it),
and I'll get it inserted above (among the
commercial ones)!
som kun tar spøg for spøg og alvor kun alvorligt
Han og hun har faktisk fattet begge dele dårligt!»
who perceive any joke just to be something to smile at
And Who perceives graveness only to be deadly serious
He and She has actually comprehended both aspects in life
pretty poorly»
This means that there are many different levels of humor. Just because you don't think something to be funny, but maybe rather the opposite; perhaps even quite appalling, and not always even (to your sense) sane. This doesn't mean that everybody else (including even me) has to feel that particular way; just to cushion your particular blow (introduction to Pantheïsm) into the reality that this site is popping into. If you know that you are such a person as described here, then you must be warned: This site is not made by you. It is then not made for you, and it is not made for your benefit. If you allow yourself to get hurt by what you may read here, you are not welcome here. You will by default misunderstand everything, and you'll end up asking me to delete the lot. You will, as a result of this behavior, be as totally afraid, appalled, yakked, et cetera, as you can muster to be. Please remember that you enter this site at your own risk. This is a warning not to be taken lightly; you might get bored here, you know. This site is not tailor-designed especially for you. It is not made to be comprehensible to you at all, so why then do you even want to pursue the issue? I love you, who-ever you may choose to be, no matter who or what you may allow yourself to hurt yourself on. I will refuse to become anyone's idol but my own. If you are a worshipper of any kind, please leave this site and keep on worshipping your gods and idols elsewhere
The sole reason for
this Site was to try to mix
Pantheïstic Enlightenment
Soft and mostly Pure Gay Pornography,
in order to make it possible for any reader
who believed that he or she chose to understand English
Save Him- or Herself.
Not just each other without cause.
Please do not love me the way you
choose to believe that you want my
It does not exist in that level of existence to you.
It is not necessary for me to incarnate as your physical sex
Therefore I give you the image of my body
on my pornographic logo-link on Your site.
Shit-eating and violent acts do not «turn me on» as such.
Although you may find examples of everything you may think
possible by me.
How profound can one get and not live up to it?
What you believe you do understand is your reward here.
And please don't give me that physical attraction-crap;
Do ask and please do respect me for my choices.
Please do no not project
your own boring selection of suffer-emphasized emotions upon me.
Thought is the only Pure Language.
Do Think! Please!
Think before you speak.
Thought is the only True Existence.
Do Think! Please!
Think before you experience.
Thought is the only True Vision.
Do Think! Please!
Think what you visualize!
Thought is the only True Perception.
Do Think! Please!
After I ceased smoking, I discovered that I only wanted to smoke
while feeling the emotions of loneliness and fear of becoming
Then I really had to fight the urge to nicotine.
And since nicotine was destroying my ability to Think clearly,
I had to cease smoking or make death a valid option for me to
I have been going through this test since.
Do I love myself adequately or not?
Do I grant myself the satisfaction (the projected «strong urge»
to )
«a cigarette», which produces an asocial, dysfunctional body,
urging to only satisfy its ego;
Or do I grant myself the real Urge of wanting to Experience Life?
And why do I abuse my Thought to even think about this
In order to try to force my ego into a strong enough
self-pity, to make me allow myself that I will have to revenge
myself on me through smoking this stupid cigarette, so
that I will be able to recognize and remember the effects of that
seducing nicotine just once again and therefore forever?
I cannot save myself and allow myself the destruction of nicotine
Thought is the only True Body.
Allow your Body to be your galaxy of atoms and
Solely within Your command.
And if you dare, please do allow your Body
to be Though away. By Your Pure Though.
Then We will do it simultaneously.
But we may not do anything more physical together than that,
if either of us tell the other so, after being asked.
So Please DO NOT allow for yourself to worship me or Me!
I am not worthy of your total Energy.
I may worthy of the surplus Energy You wish to share with me.
If I can handle it.
Please don't be as stupid and insensitive as to send me some of
your Energy, If you haven't cleared it with my ego, BearCY,
before doing so.
And please do not expect me to want it, either.
If you wish, please do Ask me what I want from you, and I will
tell it to you.
I want what You desire for yourself to have and give of your
surplus to yourself and to anyone you encounter.
Therefore I will give it to you in the form of Thought.
Not necessarily also in the form of Flesh.
Just in a single projection of that of your Mind
as a physical impression of such.
To make Me Feel nonphysical to You.
I do not want Your Energy.
I want You to use Your Energy for Yourself.
In Your Best Interest.
And in Your Own Terms.
Do Think, Please, and do not expect Me to know Your Truth for